Sura 111 - Al-Masad

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Kwa Jina La Mwenyezi Mungu, Mwingi Wa Rehema, Mwenye Kurehemu.

تَبَّتْ يَدَا أَبِي لَهَبٍ وَتَبَّ
*Imeangamia mikono ya Abu Lahab, na yeye pia ameangamia.
*Perish the hands of Abu Lahab, and perish he!
مَا أَغْنَىٰ عَنْهُ مَالُهُ وَمَا كَسَبَ
*Hayatamfaa mali yake, wala alivyo vichuma.
*Neither his wealth availed him, nor what he had earned.
سَيَصْلَىٰ نَارًا ذَاتَ لَهَبٍ
*Atauingia Moto wenye mwako.
*Soon he will enter the blazing fire,
وَامْرَأَتُهُ حَمَّالَةَ الْحَطَبِ
*Na mkewe, mchukuzi wa kuni,
*and his wife [too], the firewood carrier,
فِي جِيدِهَا حَبْلٌ مِنْ مَسَدٍ
*Shingoni mwake iko kamba iliyo sokotwa.
*with a rope of palm fibre around her neck.